Our representatives in national institutions and bodies:

Polish Agency for Audit Oversight

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The Polish Agency for Audit Oversight is the public institution responsible for overseeing the audit market in Poland. It was established on the basis of the Audit Market Supervision Act of 11 May 2017, which introduced provisions in line with EU Directive 2014/56/EU on statutory audits of annual accounts and audit market supervision.
Polish Agency for Audit Oversight plays an important role in ensuring the integrity and credibility of auditing in Poland and in promoting trust in the financial and business markets.

Our representative in the Agency:

Piotr Kamiński- member of the council, representative of the employers’ organization

Council of the National Health Found

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The National Health Fund (NFZ) is a public institution responsible for organising and financing healthcare services for the Polish population. It is one of the key elements of the health care system in Poland. The NFZ operates on the basis of the provisions of the Act on health care services financed from public funds and other legal acts regulating the functioning of the health care system in Poland. Its objective is to ensure that citizens have proper healthcare and access to it regardless of their socio-economic status.

Our representative in the Council

dr Małgorzata Gałązka-Sobotka – Member of the Council of the National Health Found

Labour Market Council

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The Labour Market Council is an advisory body operating under the Minister of Family, Labour and Social Policy which aims to support and advise on matters related to the labour market in Poland. Its functions and tasks are related to analysing the situation on the labour market and recommending measures to improve its functioning. The Labour Market Council plays an important role in shaping labour market policy in Poland, by providing expert knowledge, data analysis and recommendations on actions to stimulate employment, develop professional competences and integration of people on the labour market.

Our representatives in the Council:

Patrycja Mstowska – member of the Council

Labour Protection Council 

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The Labour Protection Council is an opinion-giving and supervisory body for working conditions and the activities of the State Labour Inspection. It was established by the now-defunct Act of 6 March 1981 on the State Labour Inspection. It has been operating by the Parliament of the Republic of Poland since 1990. The Council is composed of 30 members who are appointed by the Speaker of the Parliament from among MPs, senators and candidates proposed by the Prime Minister and by representative trade union and employers’ organisations, as well as by other social organisations dealing with labour protection issues. Experts and representatives of the sciences are also appointed to the Council. The Council operates on the basis of the rules of procedure adopted by it and approved by the Speaker of the Parliament.

Our representative in the Council:

Dr Rafał Hrynyk – member of the Council

National Consultation Council for Disabled Persons

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The National Consultation Council for Disabled Persons is a consultative and advisory body of the Government Plenipotentiary for Disabled People. The plenipotentiary was appointed to represent the interests of persons with disabilities and to support decision-making in social policy, health care, education, employment and other areas relevant to the lives of persons with disabilities. The Council's activities are aimed at promoting the rights of persons with disabilities, ensuring them a dignified life and supporting their full participation in social and professional life. The council is a forum for cooperation between representatives of government administration bodies, local government and non-governmental organisations for the benefit of persons with disabilities.

Our representative in the Council:

Monika Bugajewska-Tykarska – member of the Council

Management Board of the State Fund for Rehabilitation of Disabled People

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State Fund for Rehabilitation of Disabled People is a public institution whose main goal is to support the vocational and social rehabilitation of persons with disabilities. The Fund performs its tasks by providing financial benefits and organising various forms of support for persons with disabilities in order to facilitate their active participation in social and professional life. The Fund aims to increase independence, autonomy and equal opportunities for people with disabilities on the labour market and in social life. The Fund is an important element of the support system for persons with disabilities in Poland.

Our representative in the Fund: 

Mateusz Palian (member of the Management Board of the Fund)

General Council for Science and Higher Education

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General Council for Science and Higher Education is a body of government administration whose task is to advise on matters of science, higher education and the evaluation of the quality of scientific personnel. It is one of the most important advisory bodies responsible for the development of Polish science and higher education. The Council is composed of prominent representatives of science, the academic and scientific community, who have a rich experience and knowledge in the fields of science and higher education. Its work aims to promote the development of science, innovation and education to increase the competitiveness of the Polish scientific system in the international arena.

Our representative in the Council:

prof. Andrzej M. Fal – member of the Council

The Statistics Council

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The Statistics Council is a consultative and advisory body in statistical matters that aims to support the development of the statistical system and to ensure the high quality of statistical data in the country. Its task is to monitor statistical activities, make recommendations on data collection and analysis methodologies and promote the principles of transparency and reliability of public statistics. The Statistics Council is composed of statistical experts, representatives of government institutions, the private sector, representative and non-governmental organisations and the academic community. Its activities aim to provide reliable, credible and comprehensive statistical data, which are essential for political, economic and social decision-making.

Our representative in the Council:

dr Franciszek Kubiczek – member of the Council

Council for Accreditation

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Polish Centre for Accreditation (PCA) is the national accreditation body authorized to accreditation of conformity assessments bodies on the basis of the Act of Parliament of 13 April 2016 on conformity assessment systems and market surveillance (Journal of Laws of 2022 r., item 1854).

Our representative in the Council:

dr inż. Rafał Hrynyk – Member of the Council

Committee on Senior Policy

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The Committee on Senior Policy is an advisory body established to develop, analyse and recommend public policy in the area of the ageing population and support for older people. Its main objectives are to promote active and healthy ageing, to ensure decent living conditions for older people and to adapt social and economic policies to the changing needs of older people. The composition of the Committee on Senior Policy includes experts from various fields, including gerontologists, doctors, representatives of NGOs dealing with the issues of older people, as well as representatives of public administration and older people. The activities of the Committee on Senior Policy aim to promote the dignity, equality and full participation of older people in society and to adapt public policies to the needs of an ageing population.

Our representative in the Committee:

Beata Rorant – member of the Committee

Committee on Women in the Labour Market

The Committee on Women in the Labour Market operates under the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy.  The Committee is a consultative and advisory body of the Minister. The Committee was established to analyse and recommend public policies regarding the equal treatment of women in the labour market and to promote their active participation in professional life. Its activities are aimed at eliminating gender discrimination, reducing professional inequalities between women and men and supporting women in their professional careers.

Our representative in the institution:

Karolina Wójcik – member of the Committee