“Wektory 2024” – Prestigious Award for Polish Business Leaders
“Wektory” is a unique award granted by Employers of Poland since 2002, recognizing individuals and companies whose achievements significantly contribute to the development of the Polish economy.
On September 16-18, Employers of Poland, together with a group of Polish entrepreneurs, conducted an economic mission in Moldova, where meetings were held with representatives of state and local authorities, the Invest Moldova organization, and the National Confederation of Employers of the Republic of Moldova.
Council ofPolish Entrepreneurs
The Council of Polish Entrepreneurs (CPE), is an initiative established within Employers of Poland.
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Why should you join us?
Ordinary membership of the organization is open to unions of employers and entrepreneurs, federations and other confederations and associations of organizations of employers and entrepreneurs operating on the territory of the Republic of Poland, as well as employers and entrepreneurs covering the entire country or having a special economic position.
Membership in the Employers of Poland is voluntary and in no way limits a member's independence of action.
Membership in the Employers of Poland is diverse in nature. Most of the 19,000 entities that the organization represents are affiliated with regional or industry-specific employer organizations. Since February 2002, direct membership is also possible for enterprises of major importance or scale.

Documents required to join
Membership declaration
Excerpt from the National Court Register of the joining organizational unit
Articles of Association of the joining organizational unit
Resolution of relevant statutory bodies on accession to the Employers of of Poland (if required by the Articles of Association of the acceding organizational unit)
Information on the size of employment in the acceding enterprise, and in the case of employers' associations - in enterprises affiliated to the association

Statute of Employers of Poland

Benefits of membership
Representation of interests
Dialogue with decision makers
Access to resources and information
Training and support
Promotion and representation
Representation in the media