Element graficzny

Bilateral cooperation

We implement projects co-financed by EU funds to support entrepreneurship, develop the labor market and promote innovation and sustainable development. These projects are an important part of our organization's activities and contribute to strengthening the competitiveness of Polish companies

Employers of Poland are implementing the project "Social Dialogue in Circular Economy" financed by the European Commission under the competition no. 101051934-SDiCE implemented within the framework of the European Social Fund+ (ESF) Social Prerogatives and Specific Competencies Lines (SocPL)

Implementation period: 01.01.2023 - 31.12.2024 

Project office: Employers of Poland, ul. Berneńska 8, 03-976 Warszawa, tel.22 518 87 00, e-mail: sekretariat@pracodawcyrp.pl 

Value of the project: 315 972.07 EUR 

The main goal of the project is the exchange of data and good practices between the national social partner (Employers of Poland) and the EU interprofessional social partner (SGI Europe). The key objective is ensuring synergy between social dialogue at the national level and the latest developments at the EU level.