Element graficzny

prof. dr hab. Jerzy Hausner – Szef Zespołu Doradców

President of the programme council of Open Eyes Economy Summit, GAP Foundation

Professor of Economics, President of the programme council of Open Eyes Economy Summit, President of the Foundation for Public Economy and Administration, doctor honoris causa of the Warsaw School of Economy.

Since the beginning of his academic career associated with the Cracow University of Economics. From 1993 to 2014 Head of the Chair of Economy and Public Administration (currently: College of Economy and Public Administration). Over the years, he served as Social Plenipotentiary of the Rector for Culture and Sport. Over the years, he coordinated a number of research projects, including international ones. He contributed to the popularisation of Polish science and knowledge of the economy abroad. Former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy, Labour and Social Policy, Member of the parliament 2001-2005, Member of the Monetary Policy Council of the 3rd term, Corresponding Member of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences. Professor Jerzy Hausner is the author of more than 550 publications on political economy and public management. In recognition of his outstanding public service, he was awarded the Commander’s Cross of Polonia Restituta and many other awards.