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ROUND TABLE – Polish Presidency in the EU Council – Innovations for the Security of Poland and Europe

How do we plan to take advantage of the Presidency in the EU Council to shape the health, economic, and competitive agenda to enhance the security of Poles and Europeans?

On July 31, 2024, a round table discussion was held at the headquarters of Employers of Poland in Warsaw. The debate featured Katarzyna Kacperczyk, Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Health, along with representatives from the Ministry of Development and Technology: Maria Szymańska, Piotr Zabadała, and Piotr Kulik. Expert presentations were also given by Prof. Dr. Artur Nowak-Far, Marek Kustosz, Dr. Dominik Olejniczak, Dr. Tomasz Rowiński, Waldemar Dubaniowski, and Kamil Sobolewski. The debate was moderated by Juliusz Krzyżanowski, an expert from Employers of Poland, and the guests were welcomed by the President of Employers of Poland, Rafał Dutkiewicz.

Members of Employers of Poland had the opportunity to share their experiences and ask questions primarily related to Poland's competitiveness and security. The debate outlined the broader context of Poland's EU Council presidency, highlighting the issues and challenges we will face.

Katarzyna Kacperczyk, Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Health, provided information on the Ministry's preparations for Polish presidency, highlighting and discussing in detail three priorities: mental health, prevention, and digitalization.

From the Ministry of Development and Technology, the status of preparations for Poland's EU Council presidency was discussed by Maria Szymańska, Deputy Director of the European Affairs Department, Piotr Zabadała, Deputy Director of the Innovation and Industrial Policy Department, and Piotr Kulik from the Department of Trade and International Cooperation. Their presentation focused on two priorities: repairing the internal market foundations and strengthening the competitiveness of European industry.

Political opportunities for Poland associated with the EU Council presidency were presented by Prof. Dr. Artur Nowak-Far, Advisor to the President of Employers of Poland and Professor at the Warsaw School of Economics, Department of European Integration and Law.

Marek Kustosz, President of the "To się leczy" Foundation, spoke about health as a pillar of national security in his presentation "There is No Security Without Health."

Dr. Dominik Olejniczak, a public health specialist and health promotion and education expert from the Medical University of Warsaw, discussed prevention and early diagnosis as the foundation of a healthy Europe. He is also a member of the Polish Academy of Sciences' Public Health Committee for the 2020-2023 term.

The topic of mental health as a value for Poland and the EU was addressed by Dr. Tomasz Rowiński, a psychologist from the Warsaw School of Economics, ThinkTank#for health protection, and co-author of the community mental health center model for children.

Kamil Sobolewski, Chief Economist of Employers of Poland, emphasized the importance of socio-economic factors in his speech "Health and Demography and Competitiveness."

Waldemar Dubaniowski, Advisor to the President of Employers of Poland, discussed the significance of artificial intelligence in building the competitiveness of the European Union in his speech "The European Union in the Technological Race with the USA and China: A Gap to Bridge."

The debate concluded with questions from the members of Employers of Poland, who suggested topics and raised issues concerning Polish presidency in the areas of health, competitiveness, and security. Representatives from both ministries declared their willingness to collaborate with Employers of Poland in shaping the agenda for Polish presidency.