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New possible directions for foreign cooperation in 2024

Representatives of Bulgaria, Albania, and the Gulf countries have proposed to Employers of Poland to organise trade missions and meetings in 2024 to promote the markets of these countries.

On 29 November 2023, we hosted at our headquarters the Secretary of the Bulgarian Embassy for Economic and Commercial Affairs Yordan Draganchev, the President of the Albanian-Polish Chamber of Commerce Miroslaw Magda and Yaser Attoun - organiser of trade missions to the Gulf countries. The topic of the conversation with the President of Employers of Poland, Rafal Dutkiewicz, was the new directions of foreign trade missions for members of our organisation.

Participants of the meeting presented the advantages of the particular economies. Secretary Draganchev spoke of a steady upward trend in Polish-Bulgarian trade. The Bulgarian side is interested in cooperation especially in the infrastructure sector, as the country has just received another round of EU funds for infrastructure development. The Embassy also expressed its readiness to organise a meeting at the headquarters of Employers of Poland for entrepreneurs interested in investing in Bulgaria.

Miroslaw Magda, on the other hand, emphasised that Albania is one of the most dynamically developing tourism markets in Europe, finance and real estate are also attractive industries for investment, and cooperation will be fostered by the new airport to be opened in Albania in spring 2024 and a dense network of air links with Poland.

Yaser Attun presented proposals for the organisation of trade missions to Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, where Polish know-how remains little known in relation to Western competition. Foreign companies from the IT, medical and construction sectors are particularly in demand.

Each of the meeting's guests pledged to present specific cooperation projects and trade missions to the Employers of Poland for 2024.