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Meeting with delegation from Invest Lithuania

The meeting with Invest Lithuania team was an opportunity to exchange information on the economic situation in Poland and Lithuania.

On 19 October 2023, we had a meeting at the Lithuanian Embassy with Invest Lithuania team, which included Head of Manufacturing Team Akvile Naginionyte and Senior Investment Advisor Ieva Kiskyte. Employers of Poland were represented at the meeting by Maciej Legutko, Director of the Department of International Cooperation.

Invest Lithuania is a government agency promoting foreign investment in Lithuania and offering support to investors. Akvile Naginionyte and Ieva Kiskyte presented the economic situation in Lithuania, highlighted the strengths of the Lithuanian economy and described the investment incentive system. They also invited the public to participate in international trade and economic events in Lithuania in 2024.

Maciej Legutko from Employers of Poland presented the most attractive sectors of the Polish economy from the Lithuanian point of view and outlined the expectations and hopes of the Polish business circles after the parliamentary elections.

At the end, Invest Lithuania delegation handed over information folders about the Lithuanian economy and declared their willingness to maintain contacts.