Element graficzny

Meeting with an economic delegation from Singapore

We attended a meeting with a delegation from the Singapore Manufacturing Federation, where we presented our organisation and talked about the economic situation in Poland.

On October 24, 2023 in the Marshal Office of Mazowieckie Region a meeting took place with the delegation of Singapore Manufacturing Federation headed by president of SMF - Lennon Tan. It is the largest organisation representing the interests of Singaporean manufacturers. It currently has 5 000 members. In addition to the authorities of the Mazovian Voivodeship, the event was also attended by representatives of organisations and institutions dealing with international economic cooperation. Employers of Poland also took part in the event, represented by Maciej Legutko, Director of the International Cooperation Department.

At the meeting, the SMF delegation presented the companies which are part of the organisation and emphasised their importance on the Asian and international market. The authorities of the Mazovian Voivodeship, in turn prepared a presentation on the advantages of Mazovia from the point of view of foreign investors.

In the second part of the meeting, Maciej Legutko introduced Employers of Poland to the Singapore delegation, and then talked about the strengths of the Polish economy and the biggest challenges facing it.

In the backstage talks at the end of the meeting, we as Employers of Poland declared to the Singapore Manufacturing Federation delegation our desire to maintain contacts and inform each other about upcoming economic events in both countries.