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Employers of Poland at the conference “Invest in Azerbaijan”

The Azerbaijani Trade Office in Poland organised a conference on investment opportunities in Azerbaijan for Polish companies. We were present at the event.

On 13 December 2023, Employers of Poland, represented by Maciej Legutko Director of the Department of International Cooperation, participated in the 'Invest in Azerbaijan' conference organised by the Office of the Trade Envoy of the Republic of Azerbaijan to Central European countries. Representatives of Polish companies, chambers of commerce and institutions promoting international cooperation were present at the event.

The conference consisted of three presentations:

  • general presentation of Azerbaijan's economy

  • special economic zones in Azerbaijan and incentives for foreign investors 

  • economic incentives for investors ready to engage in the reconstruction of Karabakh

In the networking part of the event, Maciej Legutko from Employers of Poland talked to representatives of the Azerbaijan trade office about the most attractive investment options from the point of view of our members. He invited trade office staff to meet at our headquarters with representatives of the medical industry, who may be interested in the new industrial park created in the Azerbaijani capital.